General Knowledge C / C++ Language
- C string uppercase : covert string to all capital lettler using toupper()
- C input string with space gets()
- C Library Function <?????.h>
- Useful Function in C Library :
- cstdio [stdio.h]
- fgets() : get string from stream
- fgetc() : get character from stream
- fopen() : open file by pointer
- fflush() : flush stream
- fprintf() : write formatted output to stream
- fread() : read block of data from stream
- fscanf() : read formatted data from stream
- getchar() : get character from stdin
- getc() : get character from stream
- putc() : write character to stream
- scanf(): read formatted data from stdin
- sprintf() : convert float to string
Object-Oriented Paradigm
- ArrayList
- LinkedList
- Doubly LinkedList
Data Structure and Algorithm
- Recuresion
- Stack
- Queue
- Infix to Postfix
- [Video]
- Postfix calculation
- [Video]
- Binary tree
- ( Inorder LVR ; Preorder VLR ; Postorder LRV )
- Source code[C++] : binaryTreeType.h , bSearchTreeType.h , main, [All]
- Graph
- Definition
- Traversal of Graph
- Depth First Traversal : using recursive
- Algorithm
- Breadth First Traversal : using queue Linkedlist
- Algorithm
- Minimal Spanning Tree ( Graph )